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Folville Junior School

Year 4

Dear parents and carers,

We recognise that your children work very hard during the school day and therefore don’t have excessive expectations for home learning. We encourage you and your children to engage with any creative learning at home and always love it when this is shared with us. Examples of this include artwork, sculptures, poetry, story writing and much more.

On top of this, we ask that you support your child becoming completely fluent with their times tables facts and addition strategies in maths and also read regularly. Year 4 is a crucial time is ensuring your child has the foundation knowledge in place to allow them to feel confident and competent accessing the curriculum in future years.

With this in mind, our usual weekly home learning for Year 4 is:

Times tables practice on Times Table Rockstars for at least 30 minutes. (Completed by Thursday morning in 4B and 4C and Tuesday morning in 4H)

- At least 20 minutes reading a day. This can either be with a school book or home book.

 To quiz at home, follow this link:

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or queries or ways you can further support your child at home.


fun pic — SteemitThe Year 4 team