Home Learning Wk 1
Home learning week 1 - 5th January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
For the next two weeks of online learning, we will post the daily work on Year 4 Class Dojo. When you have completed the work, can you please post it in your portfolio or send a photo of it.
All of the week’s learning will also be on the school website. This can be found in: Homework\Year4.
We are also going to be uploading the learning to Google classrooms. It would be great if you have a go at accessing it on here as we will be looking to use this platform more in the future. (Please email any feedback about google classrooms to Charlie Baughan on cbaughan@folville.leicester.sch.uk or Mr Widdowson on sclassroom2021@gmail.com for technical support)
We are really keen to see everybody in person so will also be having weekly catch ups on Zoom. We will let you know more about this and timings on Class Dojo.
On top of using the class learning from the website, please use this time to continue developing fluency in times table facts, addition strategies and reading.
Thank you,
The Year 4 team