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Folville Junior School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Welcome to Year 3 at Folville.  We are really looking forward to getting to know our new pupils and their families.



How will home and school communicate?


  • At the end of the school day, year 3 staff will usually be around on the playground, and often it will be possible to catch a member of staff for a quick message.
  • Class Dojo is our main way of communicating with parents about learning in class, letters coming home and other whole class/year messages.
  • Class Dojo also has a message tool which is the best way to contact teachers. Please allow 48 hours for responses, and in other circumstance please contact the school office.
  • For all matters to do with attendance/absences, appointments, school dinners and payments, please contact the office rather than class teacher.


If you are a year 3 pupil or parent/carer, make sure you have connected with your class via Class Dojo. You will receive an invitation letter after joining our school. Contact the office or ask the class teacher if you have any trouble with this.




Who will be teaching and supporting my child?


Please click on the Staff tab at the side of this page to see the staff in year 3.




What will my child be learning?


We will keep you updated about our topics each term on Class Dojo.



  • We use both The Write Stuff and Talk for Writing to teach English writing lessons.
  • Learning about spelling follows the Jane Considine spelling approach, along with continued phonics teaching in response to pupils’ needs.



    • Our approach includes White Rose maths for learning about different topics.
    • Mental maths is supported by Number Sense for + and -, and we use the Folville times table system for x and ÷