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Folville Junior School

PE and Sport Premium

Most schools with primary-age pupils receive the PE and sport premium. 

We used the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education (PE), physical activity and sport we delivered to the whole school.

We used the premium to:

  • Develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport activities that we already offer
  • Build capacity and capability, to ensure that the improvements made will benefit future pupils.

At Folville Junior School the PE premium helps us to secure improvements in the following:

  • Engaging all pupils to take part in regular physical activity – (a minimum of 30 minutes  a day of physical activity)
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the whole school
  • Improving staff confidence with training and development for long term sustainability, building on staff knowledge and sharing this across the whole school
  • Offering a broader range of sports and activities to all of our pupils
  • Giving all of our pupils the opportunity to participate in competitive sport.

The funding has made it possible to participate in many sporting activities and we have celebrated successes in cross country, football and dodgeball.   The funding has allowed us to subsidise many activities for the children, which has helped to develop, confidence, social and life skills.  We believe that healthy lifestyle choices are gained through the exposure and experience of sports and fitness.